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  • Budgeting just got easier with =SCOTT.XBUDGET

    We are pleased to announce the release of our newest custom function for Excel and Xero, =SCOTT.XBUDGET. As you might expect, this function allows you to populate a cell in your Excel sheet with budget data you have entered in Xero. Here’s the syntax:

    =SCOTT.XBUDGET (OrgID, budget name, account code, beginning date, end date)

    A few things to note:

    Xero has you enter budgets in periods (ex. June 2021). We convert the date range you enter in =SCOTT.XBUDGET to include all budget data for the periods the date range covers. For example, if you enter a date range in your sheet of January 1 – February 15, we will sum up the budget entries you have entered in Xero, for both January and February periods.

    Be sure to copy the Xero Budget Name into your sheet, exactly as it appears in Xero.

    For those of you new to budgeting in Xero, you will notice, budgeting by Tracking Category requires you to create distinct budgets (names) for the various Tracking Category / Options you wish to budget by. For example, if you wish to budget by Department (Tracking Category) and Retail (Tracking Option), you would create a distinct budget for that and give it a unique Budget Name.

    You will need to restart Excel to get this function. If the function does not appear after an Excel restart, please remove the add-in, restart Excel, and add the add-in back in.

    Happy budgeting!

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